OldSkool Amp'd Documentation



Author : UsAaR33

Title : OldSkool Amp'd (version 2.05)

Email Address : usaar33@yahoo.com

Webpage : http://www.unreality.org/usaar33


Can you find the hidden message ;)?

Austin Greene has already found it, can you? Be sure to check out his clan, Kronos, at http://www.klankronos.com!


Thanks to : The REAL CTF (http://www.planetunreal.com/realctf) team for letting me use the HUD graphics and their skins. Hellscrag for providing me with an excellent description of each UMX file. Nemo_NX for p1mpage and constant support through-out this project. Antonio "NetDevil" Cordero for making UTPT able to extract meshes so I could rebuild the flak slug and quadshot. Bane for allowing me to use his akimbo automag code to build my own version. Those guys at the mutation device for helping me here and there. All my beta testers for beta testing. Epic and DE for the obvious :D

Very important note! There is a bug in the sound subsystem of UT version 432 that for some people (I not being one of them) will cause a high-pitched noice in various out-door levels. To stop this, simply go to the advanced options and under audio, and set usereverb to false. Thanks goes to Ed Massuda for the solution!

Message from the Author:

This is my first MAJOR mod for UT. I've learned many things about unrealscript and the unreal engine in general throughout this project of mine. I am quite pleased with the results of it. I was amazed by the popularity (and high reviews) of my original OldSkool mutator. (93% on mod squad, 3rd place in top pick of mutators). I can only wonder how this mod which is far larger than the tiny mutator will do

What this mod does:

New menus that allow:

-Configurable backrounds

-A Weapon Priorities window that allows configuration for ALL weapons installed (provided you have picked it up already and an INT references it).

A music selector that acts like UTamp with the following advantages:

-Works right under 4.32 patch!

-instead of being limited to 32 songs, it supports an infinite amount, as songs are referenced through INT files.

-Descriptions of songs (not just the name)

-more reliable!

-allows selection of song sections, allowing support for Unreal/Deus Ex music

-Access to Advanced Options (ohh...boy!)

Enhanced mutator:

-simply add oldskool to the mutators list (not compatible with any other arena mutators!)

-fully configurable

-allows swapping of HUD and scoreboard, which will work and show all info for ALL included gametypes. It will also display talktextures and local messages. Configure it in the hud configuration of the normal preferences window (when it is active).

-allows setting up of your own arenas.

-works in LMS!

-cool random pistol power-ups!

Unreal weapon enhancements:

-now fully net compatible!

-Better BOT AI!

-All have decals! (and you can confugure this too in the oldskool options)

-dispersion pistol plays shaky anim client side, unlike in Unreal!

-Automag displays amount of clips left and can be reloaded manually (bind key in controls) Also uses the twirl animation. It also can be akimbo'd (if you allow it in the preferences and only in deathmatch).

-Stinger looks right in Net play (remember unreal? :D)

-Sniper Rifle uses unused animations and has the lagless zoom, like its UT counterpart

Advanced SinglePlayer Support:

-3 options under "game"

-allows easy to set up co-op too.

-custom "map packs" can be set up quick and easy!

-Difficulty Selection works

-20 save spots PER map pack!

-scoring which shows amount of baddies you've defeated and has a scoring calculation based on enemies difficulty to give you points (hit F1 in game to see).

-Custom SP map selection (will take a while to load, but only on first load)

-Full UT weapons in Unreal support!

-Notification of Headshots and there is auto-taunting, if you have it enabled.

-Note: it is by design that the UT HUD can't be used. That HUD does not work well for a singleplayer game as there is no inventory slots or a translator area.

All Unreal I models with skins and talktextures. (Now animate in player setup).

Quick Overview: To start a new singleplayer game, you would go to game-->new singleplayer game (wow...that's a bit obvious!). Most of the configuration (including singleplayer mutators, backrounds, and music) can be performed within the four tabs of the main configuration window. I feel the options are pretty self explanatory.

Weapons Overview: There are a total of 13 weapons present in OldSkool Amp'd. However, during play, you will only be able to use up to 11 of them.

Dispersion Pistol:

The important thing is that you can power-up this weapon by collecting power-ups. If you enable random power-ups (in the options menu), you will be able to see what I mean.. There are 5 power-levels. Further more, it regenerates ammo.

Fire: Fires a energy thing. With higher levels, it becomes much more powerful (but uses more ammo).

Alt-fire: Allows you to charge up the pistol, and the shots cause splash damage. You can charge it up more at a higher power-level.


Exactly like the Enforcer, except it needs to relaod every 20 shots. You can manually reload it by binding a key to reload in the controls menu of UT, under single-player.


Fire: Rapid fire of tarydium shards.

Alt-fire: Fires 5 at once, but at a much slower rate.


The shock rifle looking a lot cooler! The combo is slightly stronger too.


A less techno version of the rocket launcher

Flak cannon:

Like the UT one, except the primary fire rate is slower.


Skaarj version of ripper.

Fire: pretty much like ripper

Alt-fire: you can control the blades by moving the mouse (i.e. looking in direction for them to go). It's pretty hard to learn the technique, but once you've mastered it...

GES bio rifle:

The only difference from the UT version is that you can only load 5 ammo in the alt-fire and you can't hold the stuff in forever (auto-ejects).

Sniper Rifle:

So much like the UT one, it's not even funny.


Cooler lookin' version of the UT one.


This was NOT in UNREAL I!

It holds nine shells in it, and you need to reload to add more.

Fire: fires one shell. Has some kick-back.

Alt-fire: Four shells. Power of recoil will cause you to loose 2 health (reduce this if you duck).



Liandri decided to get rid of the redeemer (as it caused too much radiation) and replace it with a Sub-Machine Pistol that was just as deadly.

There are two-versions of this: one uses the automag model and the other, the enforcer (if you want auto-mags in game, it looks like an enforcer and vice- versa).

Fire: EXTREMELY fast fire. EXTREME amount of kick-back.

Alt-Fire: Fires 10 shots at once! AND it's still pretty fast.

If you see someone with this, think REDEEMER!


Map Packs referenced to in this release (note that they only show up in the window if you have them installed):

-Original Unreal Series (go to your local store and buy this nice game called Unreal! Only $10!)

Get the following off the unreal->singleplayer section of www.planetunreal.com/nalicity

-Hollow Pack

-Xerania's fall Part ][: Invasion

-Peril On mars UT (get it from other mods section of UT area)

-Ballad of Ash (intro.unr and ash.unr MUST be put in the main maps folder for the pack to be detected)

-Illhaven Saga

-One Day

-shinigami Pack 1

-Tower of Shrakith'a

-Return to Na Pali is not currently supported and probably never will be.

Playing Unreal in UT:

The best way is to run it right off the hard-drive. Simply copy the maps into the unrealtournament\maps directory and the music into unrealtournament\music

If you have to play off the CD open the unrealtournament.ini file and search for the lines that say paths= and add (right after the last one) paths=d:\music\*.umx and paths=d:\maps\*.unr (or whatever the CD drive is on your comp...)

How to use Custom skins :

Because of the NEW format I'm using in this version, you simply need to COPY them into the proper directories (INT to \system and UTX to \textures). WARNING: if your TEXTURE detail (not skin) is set to medium or high, the skins will be set to this. To FIX: A) set world texture detail to high or B) open the UTX, select each skin... goto properties...and under quality change lodset_world to lodset_skin. This quality issue IS one of the main reasons I had to give skins that were already on the UT CD. However, team colors will revert to default. For info about this, please read the following section called Team Skins. The HUD face will also show up as default. To stop this, take a sceenshot of the face and to put it in the UTX read the following:

Skinners : For the UTX it works like this: Main skin (no colors) is the whole name (thats right, whatever you want your skin to be called is the name in the UTX.

Team colors are the first 4 letters then 1 then t_(number) HUD faces are the first 4 letters, then 5. should the whole name be under 4 letters, like ASH, simply add ones for the talktextures and team colors to make it work (i.e. ash15). For the INT, ONLY include the main skin (not faces or team colors).


* Play Information *

New Sounds : Yes, 2 sounds for the quadshot have been shamelessly ripped from Legacy. If you have never played Unreal before, you'll also here a lot of new sounds.

New Models : No new ones, but the quadshot has been reimported to add a select and down weapon animation. Again without ever playing unreal, you might not have seen MANY of them.

New Textures : Mostly screenshots, but the SMP (both enforcer and automag versions) has a new skin. Also, there is that little play button I made and an ammo icon for the pulse gun.

New Music : No again, but with the power of the music selector, you may be able to hear things you never have been able to before...

New maps: No, but now you can use more to their full potential :D


Team Skins :

This section is very complicated so lets get to the basics... If you have LITE version, this does not apply. Team skins are found under the skins under following models:

Sktropper: 3 different skins w/ same red and blue colors. Only those colors...

Male 1: Kurgan, Carter (red & blue only)

Male 2: Ash, Gibed (red & blue only)

Male 3: Dante, Bane (R&B), Gibbed (R&B)

Female 1: Gina, Raquel (Red only)

Female 2: Sonya, Katryn (Red & blue, personally my favorite skins), Gibbed (R&B)

Yet, these aren't the only team colors available. Certain skins are preset in the oldskool.ini (created when you first run) will not change to the defaults, even if the team color is nonexistant. All other colors revert back to the defaults for that skin. The default list is:

Male 1: Gibbed-Red, Carter-Gold (red and blue have their own skin, too)

Male 2: Ivan-Blue, Kristoph-Green

Male 3: Dregore-Green, Krige-Blue

Female 1: Gibbed-Red, Drace-Blue, Nikita-blue, Raquel-blue (red has its own)

Female 2: Katryn-Green (red and blue have their own skins)

SkTrooper: Officer-Red Sniper-Blue

To change these settings:

Open up the oldskool.ini file in your system directory. Now find where it says [oldskool.skinconfiguration]

This should be at the top...

What you are looking for (right underneath is the Skins[0] line. Too add a skin scroll down to the first open line (should be Skins[14]=) and first add the package that the skin you want to add is in and a period afterward. Afterward, put in the first 4 letters of the skin (if it is under 4 letters add 1's until it is. Now add 1T_ afterward. Now add the letter corresponding to the team color you want not to change

Here's the key:





That's it!! But remember, it IS case sensitive... :)

You can have multiple colors under one skin, if you desire.

You can also edit or even DELETE the presets to fit your needs.

Remember, any skin without a color in the UTX or the oldskool.ini will reset to the model's default team colors!!!!!!

* Construction *

Lines of code: 30,000+ (however, a lot of this is just copies of other code to get the stuff to work correctly. Maybe 16,000 or so lines are actually original.

Skin Count : Individual Skins (under player setup): 25

Including Team colors (unique ones, that is): 60

All this plus Talktextures (thus, all in UTX): 85

And you wondered why the download was so big :)

Editor used : UnrealEd, Paintbrush (faces), LView Pro (faces), UTPT, Uclasses, USE

Build time: 9 months off an on.


Cheats : Since you read this far, I'll tell you the one and only cheat. In a singleplayer game (with baddies, not bots), type in the console mutate spyd00d to enable F5 viewing from monsters!

Also there is a "hidden message" in one of the menus :D Can you find it?

* Copyright / Permissions *

Unreal and Unreal Tournament are copyrights of Epic Megagames, Digital Extremes, and GT Interactive.

The textures and models activated by this umod are also owned and created by Epic Megagames. The skins with only red and blue colors were made by the REAL CTF team (http://www.planetunreal.com/realctf)... THANKS for letting me use them guys!!!!! Its a great mod...GET their maps!!

UsAaR33 has absolutely no control over what is done with this, but chances are if you try to sell these, Epic will sue you :). Also, don't seperate this file and give credit to UsAaR33 if you add these to your site, CD's, etc.